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This page contains information about installing the Library for PHP.


Obtaining the client library

There are two options for obtaining the files for the client library.

Using Composer

You can install the library by adding it as a dependency to your composer.json.

  "require": {
    "davaxi/sparkline": "^1.0"

Cloning from GitHub

The library is available on GitHub. You can clone it into a local repository with the git clone command.

git clone

What to do with the files

After obtaining the files, ensure they are available to your code. If you're using Composer, this is handled for you automatically. If not, you will need to add the autoload.php file inside the client library.

require '/path/to/sparkline/folder/autoload.php';





require '/path/to/sparkline/folder/autoload.php';

$sparkline = new Davaxi\Sparkline();



$sparkline = new Davaxi\Sparkline();

// Change format (Default value 80x20)
// or 

// Change background color (Default value #FFFFFF)
// or
$sparkline->setBackgroundColorRGB(15, 53, 75);

// Change line color (Default value #1388db)
// or
$sparkline->setLineColorRGB(28, 98, 139);

// Change line thickness (Default value 1.75 px)

// Change fill color (Default value #e6f2fa)
// or
$sparkline->setLineColorRGB(139, 28, 43);

$sparkline->setData(array(.....)); // Set data set
$sparkline->generate(); // If ou want regenerate picture 

// If display
$sparkline->setEtag('your hash'); // If you want add ETag header
$sparkline->setFilename('yourPictureName'); // For filenamen header
$sparkline->setExpire('+1 day'); // If you want add expire header
// or
$sparkline->setExpire(strtotime('+1 day'));
$sparkline->display(); // Display with correctly headers

// If save

$sparkline->destroy(); // Destroy picture after generated / displayed / saved